Saturday, April 4, 2020

Day 19 - SkyLines from the French Lock-down: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics

Salut les amis!  (Hi Friends!)

Yesterday I was very serious when I spoke about the importance of finding a way to use this confinement time to make a change in our lives.  And today, I'm talking turkey.  This isn't one of my "be happy" posts.  Today I'm feeling the strain too.  France is approaching the peak of this horror - it's bad.  And it's going to get worse before it gets better. People really need to take the idea of social distancing to heart:
That tower was a lookout on the Pyrenees, used by the
Kings of Majorca.  The mountains separate us from Spain.
A natural border for social distancing!

Day 19 - Here in France, we are experiencing a country-wide depression.  No, I'm not talking about the weather - it's because we have officially surpassed China in the numbers of people who have been diagnosed with Covid-19 and have twice as many deaths.  Over a thousand people died yesterday for the third day in a row.  You can see why we have a reason to be depressed.  America is now arriving at the same point we were a few weeks ago - and the much larger population there means even more deaths there already. We see what has happened in Italy and Spain.  How can we avoid following the frightening trend??

The question on everyone's mind is how China has controlled it so well if it began in December and they didn't lock down until the 23rd of January.  The country who was quickest to react was South Korea and they are very good at locking down.  They are right next to the Hubei region.  If their successful control was precisely the same as in China - then China should have reported 30 times more cases, deaths, and recovered patients.  It’s a mystery.  As are the number of urns being deliver to the mortuaries which number more than those needed in the rest of China in a year... Something here doesn't make sense.  

Okay - dudes and dudettes, it's simple - China lied.  The numbers they gave us are just smoke and mirrors. So, throw out those figures and imagine that the problems we are are having in France are going to be repeated in many countries.

Why is France having an explosion of cases?  The greatest concentration is in the north and since mid February, Mulhouse has had twice as many calls to emergency as usual. We now know why.  We also know why it spread so quickly to other parts of the country.  Evangelists.  Yep, a huge gathering of worship in Mulhouse (where we now have an emergency medical unit with the army trying to save people's lives) was held on February 15th.  It went on for five days and it is estimated that at least 2,500 people attended.

No one knows how many attended for sure because there was no sign-in list, no subscription costs, or any records of who was there.  But, one day afterwards, the cases began to mount.  "All I did was shake the pastor's hand, said one lady, "and 24 hours later, I was sick.  Now my son is also. " A number of cases have been tied directly to that meeting. (Here is an article in English about it.) (If you prefer - here it is in French.)

 This means that there was at least one worshiper who carried the Corona Virus into that meeting.  They may never even know that they did it, if the carrier is one of the people who shows no symptoms.  And what happened when the last alleluia was sung, the last hands on blessing was given, and the last hugs shared?

They all went home again. Some went in cars, probably stopping to fill up at a gas station or use a rest stop, restaurant, or fast food joint on the way.  Others took a bus.  Some went by train.  Some came here from other countries for the annual celebration.  They may have flown out by plane. And some of them are residents of Germany where there are now 17 dead from having been in the congregation.  The lead pastor is gravely ill with Covid-19. 

Do you see where I'm going with this?  It's time to stay home.  Don't let your town suffer the way this country is now.  There are plenty of services on radio and television.  Call up your fellow worshipers on the phone, read scriptures together, and pray.  How about a Zoom service?  Skype?  I mean, isn't it the faith that counts and not the meeting in a big man-made building that collects money for good works.

In my opinion right now the most important good works should be taking care of the sick and vulnerable.  The churches can provide food to the those who have none, medical supplies to those in need, and help with how to bury the fallen in a time when we are not supposed to meet in public.  If that's what going on, and you are a faithful servant who has more than enough money to support your family through these times of quarantine, then send a check to support the good works.  If you can help in other ways like making masks or checking in with others at a distance to let them know you care - that’s priceless. Have faith that the Lord will understand.

The biggest lie I see has to do with certain politicians who are blaming others instead of stepping up to bat.  I wish as a planet, we could shake them and say, "Stop complaining, stop blaming, stop ducking the tough questions, just get on with using the tools you have in the job you chose to accept and start saving lives.”

And we can each help save lives.  Staying home is a drag.  Everyone is feeling it now.  We're at day 19.  I'll still be here when it's day 30.  I'm staying in.  I know those I love are doing the same.  

So, there it is, mes amis, a real downer.  But tomorrow I will rise above this depression and we will talk about good things.  I promise.  There are still so many good things to think about.  You are one of them for me.  So keep safe.  And for now, I promise you this also - each of us is making a difference.  We will ride out this storm, together.
I miss my village - I hope when this is over,
I return to find all my neighbors had survived this.

A demain.  (Until tomorrow.)  Link to Day 20


  1. It's frustrating for sure Mon Amie, because it's not freakin' rocket science. I mean it's hard to believe that something as serious as this was so woefully handled, at least here in the U.S. Hang in there! You do get to go out to the store for food, right? I do that much, and walk my doggies.


    1. Yes, one member of the family may go shopping once a daycas long as it’s within 1000 yards of the house and no longer than an hour. Same goes for walking or running.,It’s enough. We’re lucky. Virtual hugs, mon amie!

  2. You are allowed to be angry and depressed. We are free spirits, and being confined because of moves by stupid people (for me, it's the spring breakers who brought it back to my city) is completely understandable. I get angry too, we all do. That's one reason I haven't written in my blog, because I don't feel very inspiring right now. We will make it through this because we are smart and careful. When we come out on the other side, we will be wiser and tougher and happier. (Google translate, so forgive if it's wrong) Porte mon amour avec toi, mon cher ami. <3

  3. The French is perfect, merci mon amie, I will. Thank you. And know that I feel close to you too and care about you. We’ll both work at staying safe.

  4. Yes, when it started getting bad in Madrid there were some who hoofed it to their second homes, taking the virus with them. Among those escaping, who should have set example by staying, were ex-Prime Minister José María Aznar and his wife, ex-mayor of Madrid, Ana Botella. Stay safe!

    1. You too, Maria! It pains me that people are so unthinking about what their actions will cause.
