Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Day 1 - Let’s Take Off!


Our Launch Pad!

The Journey’s Debut 

After that moment of angst when our flight was canceled but happily rescheduled, we slept well. 

Now for the 5:40 shuttle!

The 6 AM alarm never rang for we woke an hour early, filled with anticipation. 

At check in, “We’ve changed your seats,” meant we were in different rows.  We said it didn’t matter.

Not long now before we board!

On the plane, my partner found his center seat. Mine was an aisle seat, which I detest.  I suggested we trade places to give him more legroom. 

Then as often happens, the man next to me showed that most people are good, kind, and thoughtful. He said, “Why don’t I change places with him so that you can sit together?” I demurred thinking he was just being polite. But he insisted, “It will not make much difference to me to be in this row or the one in front.” Gratefully we accepted. 

No shade to pull, the windows lighten
or darken at the push of a button.

We settled in and realized that, not only had the airline changed our seat numbers, we had been upgraded! The seats were cushy! There was plenty of leg room. 

Oh my goodness, I have taken flights for years and this was a first. It seemed to me that the stars above were shining for us. Chicago, here we come!

The adventure continues in a click, here!

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