Monday, September 9, 2024

Day Zero - Two Tix for the States!


Debut of a new adventure - USA here we come!

Our bags rested on the hotel suitcase racks, ready for our 2:45 a.m. alarm. Time to shut eyes and rest so we could catch the airport shuttle and start our autumn adventure.  I was about to put my phone into sleep silence mode but I took one last look at our flight app.  

All packed & nowhere to go?

A lightning bolt pierced my heart - EMERGENCY!  Our connecting flight was cancelled!  The app said they would reschedule us but then said, “No flights found.”

 We were now wide awake.

The dream… can we still achieve it ?

In less time than it took to key in these words, I was on hold with the helpline.  We scanned the net for alternative flights.  We were supposed to meet our tour group in Chicago in 24 hours! 

The minutes ticked by as the robot voice assured us that “Our call was important.”  Thirty minutes later a text arrived, “We have rebooked you on the next flight.”  

Checking in!

With some trepidation, we looked  at the new tickets.  Joy! Not only was the flight for mid-morning, it was a DIRECT flight to Chicago! 

 We could sleep in until 6:00.  Wonderful!  

It was a good omen and the adventure was back on track.

Chicago, here we come!


And, there was even time for breakfast before the flight. 👏🏻

The adventure continues here. Click!

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